NSN Look Up by Part Number

Methods for NSN Lookup by Part Number:

NSN Lookup Search Engine
The NSN Lookup search engine allows you to search the entire National Stock Number and NATO Stock Number database by part number, also known as the reference number, to find a NSN. The search engine is located here: NSN Lookup
Using Google for NSN Lookup by Part Number
Google is the world's leading search engine for information. You can certainly search by part number in Google to find NSNs, but Google has advanced search features which when harnessed can provide exceptional part number matching and can narrow the scope of the search to NSN Lookup. For example, instead of just searching by part number, try entering these search phrases into Google, we will use the part number "FB 220109" as our example:

  • Search for FB 220109 in Google and a large list of unrelated results are returned
  • Search for "FB 220109" in Google and a small list of results with the exact phrase "FB 220109" are returned
  • Search for "FB 220109" "nsn" in Google and the only results returned are those containing the NSN for "FB 220109"

We hope this helps anyone searching for NSNs by part number and if you have more methods and ideas to add, please feel free to comment on this discussion with your ideas and knowledge

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